Monday, May 29, 2023

Losed the Sheep

 Losed is a sofl sheep live to snow but it freezing out here so she need go inside on house to get worm Ather the next day losed have met idol and ldopey losed hey you boy want me to help and then say yes we can help also now than help this out idol found some issue and he say hey i see some is not good ldopey and losed saw idol found some wrong it see like the rat has break in to this house idol ask them to get out and the rat sy no i will not let me out of here idol is start to kick the rat out of here and the rat say you did it you made kick me out of here i will get a revenge ldopey and losed saw idol kick the rat and she say idol you did you have be save by kick the out of here idol, ldopey and losed is now term work"That the end".

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Blacer the Wolf

 Blacer is a normal wolf and have a good day blacer want to volcanoo he see but he dom't see well blacer is start itch his eye and fall amost fall lava the girl see blacer are fall to lava and she say no blacer don't worry i will save you form lava the girl try to keep blacer safe but he fall on lava and girl is cry because he have die in form if DNA will turn into a power of fire girl is sad until she see he him is coming back and she say blacer what happened left eye and blacer say yeah it happened got me itch and turm my left into a fire girl is happy because he is ok for now "That the end". 

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Mo the Rat

Mo is fearful and she got PTSD mo is poor rat and have problems some of this rat are not good at the time mo is walk of way to keep not getting PTSD also she try to keep not be abuse idol and ldopey found this rat is cry and say hey rat did do anything bad to you idol say it look like some of you got a PTSD that abuse me and ldopey say yes I see this like I think this devil in side of her head so I need fix her better ok and he say ok let fix now idol and ldopey try to fix her way to get out of devil here a book that help to rip of devil head until devil got kick off her head and mo is finally back to be normal rat that was just of carter story why she got PTSD and grab knife for on reason well "That the end".


Friday, May 26, 2023

Ldopey the Fox

Ldopey is a friend also as idol ldopey are going to sky wlth idol he build a rocket and launch in to sky until the rocket has landing to sky of cloud idol and ldopey just found a gold one idol try to keep pack ldopey say don't worry I can pack up with super pack 1900 it help to pack all of bag and pack all gold and put in super pack 1900 storage idol and ldopey go back to rocket and launch and landed back to to normal world idol and ldopey has a good term all because idol and ldopey is best brother and friend"That the end".

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Daisy the Skunk

  Daisy is also a skunk and she loves flowers if she eats a flower the gas coming and start spraying ever a where people are mad at the skunk and they say please stay out a here because that you will spray ever where daisy doesn't like people harass her and she go away like however daisy is trying to eat a other flowers but the people say not to spray anything until she met the fox name is idol he say hey skunk what are you doing here and she says idol it me daisy the skunk do you remember me and idol say hmmm I think should ok nevermind I out of here and daisy say IDOL WHY YOU WALK A WAY FORM ME THAT IT I WILL GET YOU daisy start chase idol snow and goem saw idol is getting chase by a skunk goem and snow ask her hey stop chase idol he just a fox daisy say no he ignoring me for not talk to me goem and snow say ok may of with idol daisy is start chase idol again until idol was got by a skunk and daisy say ok idol now I got you and need to talk ok and idol say ok ok you got me can you let me go please daisy say ok I will let go but first you need to hug me and he hug hug I CANNOT HUG WITH A SKUNK and she say DO IT RIGHT NOW OR I WILL NOT LET GO he say fine i hug you idol and daisy start to hug together ok there first rule of skunk never ignoring a skunk if you ignoring a skunk i will spray do you accept and he say i accept the rule of shunk "That the end".

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Snow the Bunny

 This is Snow the bunny or just call him a rabbit many day in a world sonw walk in the forest until a bear come out now that will get the bunny snow is start run fast after snow stop there dead end and cannot escape and goem is going to save the bunny with magic and zap the bear to go sleep show is happy to save by goem and hin ask him hey want do magic with me and snow say yes and goem and snow become friend forever"That the end".

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Ollas the Kangaroo

ollas is also know as kangaroo and he is a best shooter in word he can jump higher and kick and run fast only a best shoter and nobody stop kangaroo "That the end".

Monday, May 22, 2023

Carter the Cat

 carter is most cute cat carter is happy with a boyfriend until the boy met an other girl and carter ask him what are you doing are supposed to belong to me please listen to me carter and the boy walk away for a other girl carter and the boy take home if he see her look like a carter diry on her fur but carter is a cat and hate water because it may cause it make her unable to protect herself boy greb carter to a water and she keep getting out of water and he greb again and rug with a wet towel carter is wet and he dry her fur there carter clean and at night carter is getting PTSD herself and she wake up at night and grabs a knife and starts to kill anyone who has done with her carter going with another girl they say ohh a cat with a knife ok ugly and carter start kill a other girl and they runway and the boy look at a cat the start run carter is now cry over of serial killer most like carter is a vary bad serial killer "That the end"

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Aoin the dog

aoin is kind a pet and also a straight dog many people call her a    straight dog and try to do some like this aoin may walk and a girl saw a female dog a girl ask her be adopt and aoin is happy a girl take her to a home and aoin is now sleep and next day a girl is walk and saw a criminal and they say hey give us a money now or you will be consequences forever aoin saw the girl is big trouble aoin to stop criminal and she ask leave my girl alone after criminal were run of way form dog and aoin save a girl she so happy at aoin a hug "That the end

Bikini the Dragon

 Bikini also in a cave and she beware at all time and she fly a way for cave and she start burn building on city, town, forest and church after idol saw bikini burn this place bikini saw a fox with tall and follow idol and he run and hide form her idol is so confuse bikini found a fox and idol run again after idol was caught by bikini and she look at idol there may he start to hug and bikini become love of idol bikini start to hug idol and become a good girl dragom "That the end

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Goem the wolf

 Goem was born on 1992 by be humans after doing a magic spell with bunny Snow until the moon the wolf come out and attack anyone goem and snow run of way after goem is fall and the wolf bite goem and turn to werewolf there no choice to turn back to human that mean goem is stuck being wolf forever
people look at goem and that say AAAAAA IT THE WOLF GUY RUN RUN and goem is cry and run of way after snow follow goem and goem look at snow and he say hey goem it ok because I also a furry but that does matter so become the best friends of furry and they hug ''That the end''.

Idol The Fox

 This idol he is most know as the fox some how it may be dangerous but it must be unfair because he has powerful kicked and some harmful feel but he is a good animals bur make sure idol does not cost may problems ''That the end''.

Derek the Fox

Derek is very young fox because idol was his son he suggestions that to make a good fox fox but it will not to be happened only derek become...