Monday, May 22, 2023

Carter the Cat

 carter is most cute cat carter is happy with a boyfriend until the boy met an other girl and carter ask him what are you doing are supposed to belong to me please listen to me carter and the boy walk away for a other girl carter and the boy take home if he see her look like a carter diry on her fur but carter is a cat and hate water because it may cause it make her unable to protect herself boy greb carter to a water and she keep getting out of water and he greb again and rug with a wet towel carter is wet and he dry her fur there carter clean and at night carter is getting PTSD herself and she wake up at night and grabs a knife and starts to kill anyone who has done with her carter going with another girl they say ohh a cat with a knife ok ugly and carter start kill a other girl and they runway and the boy look at a cat the start run carter is now cry over of serial killer most like carter is a vary bad serial killer "That the end"

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